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Basic Curriculum: Tasks 1-16

Basic Curriculum: Tasks 1-16


Our BASIC CURRICULUM is sold as a complete set of Tasks 1-16. It also includes the Handbook ShoeboxTasks - Activities Designed with Success in Mind.

The Basic Curriculum supports a progression of skills development and helps build the foundational skills necessary for use of ShoeboxTasks 17-37 (Advanced Curriculum). All 200+ pieces are made of durable plastic or wood with a non-toxic, washable finish. Recycled materials are used whenever possible.

SIMPLE PUT-IN TASKS: Tasks 1, 3 and 4 encourage taking (1) manipulative at a time and moving it into a nearby container. Task 2 is for the student who is able to reach into a container containing many blocks successfully. Tasks 2, 3 and 4 have lid options requiring greater focus for success. Lids for Tasks 2 and 4 with the “X” slot require greater pressure and persistence to push the object through and into the container. Each Task is complete when the all manipulatives have been moved.

TASKS REQUIRING GREATER FINGER DEXTERITY AND HAND COORDINATION: Tasks 5 and 6 continue moving objects into openings where they disappear; however, how the student gets the object is different. Task 5 requires a squeezing and pulling motion while Task 6 involves pulling the beads off a moving pipe cleaner. The "finished" openings in the lid are smaller, requiring greater focus and hand control.

ONE-TO-ONE CORRESPONDENCE: Tasks 7 and 8 involve moving loose objects from a container on the left side of the lid and placing them in smaller openings to the right. Some students will do this in a very methodical way, which is okay. These Tasks require greater focus to see which of the smaller openings are still empty.

PULL APART & PUT-IN TASKS: Tasks 9, 10 and 11 require (2) steps to complete. First separating (2) objects and then placing them in designated openings in the lid. Tasks 9 and 10 have (1) opening. Task 11 is a “self-correcting activity”--the card only fits in the slot and the clothespin only fits in the round opening. Also called a “forced sort,” Task 11 is the precursor to sorting (2) objects.

STACKING TASKS: Tasks 12, 13 and 14 involve stacking objects. Task 12 requires applying hand pressure to lock the megabloks together (the teacher sets up the “starter blocks”). Greater use of a hand clasp is needed when stacking the cups in Task 13. Task 14 requires the greatest focus and hand control when placing the beads on the dowel.

SORTING TASKS: Tasks 15 and 16 develop sorting skills in very different ways. Task 16 sorts (2) objects with the potential to sort up to (4) objects. If the student can easily sort (2) objects, add a third and then a fourth, letting success dictate these changes. Task 15 may be used to sort and stack pegs of up to (3) different colors. Doing a two-color sort and stack may be appropriate for some students while others may be successful just stacking a variety of pegs.

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